ITE New York Upstate Transportation Achievement Awards
Working to improve mobility and safety for all transportation system users and help build smart and livable communities.

*Note: Call for ITE New York Upstate Transportation Achievement Awards nominations are typically sent to Section members in June and due in August each year.
Carol A. Keck Distinguished Service Award
This award is given to a NY Upstate Section member for outstanding contributions to the section. The award is presented on a non-annual basis. Potential candidates for the award may be proposed by any Upstate Section member. Nominees must be ITE members. Past Carol A. Keck award recipients are exempted from selection.
NY Upstate Transportation Project Award
The NY Upstate Transportation Project Award was established in 1999 to recognize outstanding transportation projects during a given year. The recipient of this award must demonstrate advancement in the use of technology, practical application or implementation techniques, cooperation and coordination with multiple jurisdictions and/or agencies.
This award may be awarded to one project or various geographically representative projects throughout Upstate New York. The NY Upstate Section awards the Transportation Project Award on an annual basis to a government, organization, or legislative body that truly deserves based on the application of sound transportation planning and engineering principals
NY Upstate Transportation Professional of the Year Award
The NY Upstate Transportation Professional of the Year Award was established in 1999 to recognize outstanding contributions to the transportation profession during a given year. The recipient of this award must have demonstrated advancements in the transportation engineering and planning profession through leadership, administration, practical applications of engineering and/or planning techniques or principles, training, or research and development.
The NY Upstate Section awards the Transportation Professional of the Year Award on a non-annual basis to a government or private sector engineer who truly deserves based on professional accomplishments during the previous year.
NY Upstate Young Transportation Professional of the Year Award
The NY Upstate Young Transportation Professional of the Year Award was established in 1999 to recognize outstanding contributions to the transportation profession during a given year. The recipient of this award must have demonstrated advancements in the transportation engineering and planning profession through leadership, administration, practical applications of engineering techniques or principles, training, or research and development.
The NY Upstate Section awards the Young Transportation Professional of the Year Award on a non-annual basis to a government or private sector engineer who truly deserves based on professional accomplishments during the previous year. The recipient must be 35 years of age or younger.