ITE New York Upstate Section Committees

Committees serve a vital function of the section that involves technical and social programs, student activities, professional development, and communications to the membership. The following committees provide members opportunities for professional growth, and advance the goals of the profession, while also assisting the section in serving its members.

Learn more about our committees



Committee Chair: Thomas Miller, P.E., PTOE

Bi-annually updates the membership records, prepares a membership directory, and responds to membership inquiries.


Committee Chair: Kashyap Revalli, P.E.

Performs research on identified transportation issues and publishes results. Four technical programs currently in place are: 

  • Information Brochures 

  • Sr. Housing Trip Generation 

  • Joint Parking Study with the Monroe County Department of Planning and Development. 

  • Traffic Information Program Series 


Committee Chair: Thomas Polech, P.E.

Updates and publishes the Section website and distributes occasional email correspondence with information on upcoming meetings and items of interest to Section membership.

Local Arrangements

Committee Chair: Alexander Kerr, P.E.

Coordinates arrangements for the quarterly local meetings throughout the Section and the Annual Meeting.


Awards Program

Committee Chair:

Coordinates, solicits, and selects worthy candidates and projects for special recognition at the Annual Section meeting, typically held in the fall.