ITE New York Upstate Section Membership
If you are engaged in planning, designing, operating, managing, maintaining surface transportation systems and equipment, or studying transportation, ITE can meet your needs for ongoing professional development.
Through monthly journals and technical reports, you will be apprised of research, applications, and innovations in the field. Annual meetings, conferences, seminars, and local section meetings offer top-notch technical presentations and speakers, along with social gatherings for informal sharing of ideas. ITE technical committees and specialty councils provide the opportunity to participate in shaping policies, developing recommended practices and establishing standards.
Benefits of the Institute of Transportation Engineers
Technical programs presented by international transportation experts.
ITE Journal, news, meeting notices, bulletin board, employment opportunities and much more.
ITE publication discounts, including technical reports and standards.
Participation in professional and policy committees and councils.
Opportunities to develop through continuing education and ITE’s information clearing house.
Local Section Benefits
Networking with fellow professionals
Lunch and Learns from industry professionals
Educational programs and events throughout the region
Newsletter with upcoming activities, news and opportunities
Local conferences
Regional and international conferences
Resources for the latest industry innovations
Increased awareness of local trends in transportation.
Technical committees that provide input to local policy decisions.
Various other committees that provide a variety of services to match member interests.
Increased awareness of the current and future trends in worldwide transportation technology.
Membership in the District to better relate to regional issues.

Learn more about the membership types
ITE members are professionals at all career levels and employees of government agencies, regional planning offices, consulting firms, educational institutions, product manufacturers, university students and other transportation related disciplines.
Get involved with ITE New York Upstate
Do you have training materials you could donate to the Section or do you have suggestions for materials that should be purchased?
Are you interested in participating in or have a suggestion for a research project?
Do you have new ideas for the direction of the Technical Committee?
Are you interested in becoming active in ITE and joining the Technical Committee?